[EN] Trimestrial Newsletter

3 min readNov 5, 2021


July-September, 2021

Arrival at Terrasses Solidaires

In mid-August EKO!’s headquarters moved in the collective building of the Terrasses Solidaires!
After a year of collaborative work we were finally able to open our doors in a new place with an office and a makerspace!

View from les Terrasses Solidaires! Que la montagne est belle !


Number of workshops and trainings: 58


  • Sewing, knitting, macrame
  • Bike lessons, bike repairing
  • Electronics
  • Carpentry

Number of participants: 118 (including 27 bikes)

Number of repaired/created low-tech: 179 low-tech objects, 587 bikes, 8 stilts, 25 electronic devices, 310 clothes

Partner supported: LNOB showers in new warehouse, Projekt Circus Lesvos (stils), Boat theatre Lesvos (stagework and auditorium built for a theatre)


Number of workshops and trainings: 7


  • Hygiene/cosmetics DIY
  • Sewing, leather
  • Electronics, solar energy
  • Wood
  • Masonry

Number of participants: 69

Number of repaired/created low-tech: 61 objects

Partner supported: Maison Bessoulie, Chez Marcel, Les Terrasses Solidaires

An on-boarding week was organized in Briançon to welcome the new wave of French team (Flora, Bettie, Auriane, Joséphine, Céleste, Solène). On the schedule: How to live the EKO!’s values in one’s mission ? How to learn from each other ? and much more!


Number of workshops and trainings : 5


  • Hygiene/cosmetics DIY
  • Pallets furnitures
  • Eco-construction

Number of participants: 50

Number of repaired/created low-tech: 100 objects

Partner supported: Zero Waste Marseille, Clean-up day, Kerterre, La Base Marseille

Sharing what we have done with a specific partner: We’ve organized a 1 week training to make an eco-construction at Oasis de la Nourrice. The eco-house will be a place to chill, away from the city.

Fun part

In the history of the association, a few couples were created and guess what ? Now we also count our first low-tech baby! Congratulations to Jotsna and Thomas! We wish them all the best!

The whole team wishes you a beautiful day !

See you at the next newsletter




Written by EKO!

Association of general interest which carries out positive and innovative projects in the fields of low-tech. https://linktr.ee/assoeko